NextGen Donor Initiative

The Community Foundation of North Central Florida recently launched the inaugural NextGen Donor Philanthropy Initiative. Nine community members joined together for the first sessions, including our very own Principal, Kevin Spellicy. This ongoing four month course has been packed learning sessions and hands-on grantmaking opportunities to better inform their giving and impact in our community.

So far, together, they’ve learned about generational giving and giving in Florida. They also participated in a guided exercise to explore their attitudes and behaviors around giving of their 4Ts: time, talent, treasure, and ties.

They also discussed motivational values and interest areas at their latest session. Then, using The Philanthropy Hub, they explored community issues and mapped gaps to see where they can make an impact.

Stay tuned for updates, photos, and info on the last session coming soon! Thanks so much to The Community Foundation for this invaluable experience and for the pictures documenting this fantastic initiative! For more information on the Community Foundation, click here!


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